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8 Streetlights STILL OUT on Bibury Road/Notgrove Close

Reported via mobile in the Street light is permanently out category anonymously at 21:26, Monday 22 January 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5478068.

As per the title, 8 streetlights are still out in Bibury Road/Notgrove Close (since 15th December) It is dangerous at night, trip hazard on uneven paving slabs/kerbs..... a local resident has also been burgled in the darkness....the police are aware and have commented that the lack of street lighting will have contributed to the break in. Still no update or any communication as to when this issue will be solved. Understand it has been "passed onto" National Grid, but some (or any!) update should surely be forthcoming?? This has now been over 5 weeks

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