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Web Reference: 5324058 Enquiry Number: 22035990 Issue: SL-Illuminated Bollard or Sign Location: Opposite the end of Winton Road in Warden Hill Road. It has been like this for at least 14 days - I pass it every day. Site: WARDEN HILL ROAD Please be advised that the equipment has now been repaired and it has been left in working order. Your enquiry will now be closed.The problem is still present. I checked on Thurs and Fri at 3pm

Reported via desktop in the Sign isn't working correctly (part only or random activation) category anonymously at 10:27, Sat 13 January 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5436913.

Web Reference: 5324058 Enquiry Number: 22035990 Issue: SL-Illuminated Bollard or Sign Location: Opposite the end of Winton Road in Warden Hill Road. It has been like this for at least 14 days - I pass it every day. Site: WARDEN HILL ROAD

Please be advised that the equipment has now been repaired and it has been left in working order.

Your enquiry will now be closed. The problem is still present, as of Thurs and Fri of this week, when I passed the sign it was not flashing and one light was permanently on

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