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Speed bumps don't work, dog fouling over use of the road

Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:54, Thu 11 January 2024

Sent to Leeds City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5427629.

The speed bumps are worn down people park in this road every weekend making it a nightmare to leave the home and walk the path, there is a kids school an elderly person's living area and a mental health support project all on this one road, the road is effectively connected to 2 motorways and people use this road as a cut through "waggons included" they avoid the main motorway and it's junctions and instead they abuse Easy Road to get in and out of town, not only does this cause road safety issues for the school children and elderly it also causes massive stress and anxiety for the people living in Simmons Court who all have mental health issue's this effects the residents on a daily basis as the noise pollution is extremely irritating and painful traffic on this road must be lessened as there has already been vehicle related deaths on this road aswell as this road being a criminal hot spot...

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