Blocked drains causing road flooding
Reported via desktop in the Flooding of a road or pavement category anonymously at 18:10, Fri 5 January 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5402180.
I have reported this before and was informed that your contractor had cleared it but sadly not, just past the Whitchurch Village sign (heading towards Whitchurch) the drains aren’t taking away the rain which is making the road flood in both directions, I have to walk this path every day to get to work and it is treacherous, the cars, vans & lorries don’t slow down and a lady with a pram got soaked, also because of the flooding the pathways are now strewn with sticks, mud and general rubbish. This part of Whitchurch village seems to be a bit forgotten as the road surface has broken up and there is very little or none road markings and the gutters are full of road chippins and grass and mud.
Thank you for your report. We will review the details you submitted and will inspect the site if necessary.
You can support our investigation by providing as much detail as possible. If you can provide any extra information, please add an update to this report.
We respond to 4 out of 5 reports of road or pavement flooding within 7 working days, once we have decided on the best course of action. You can visit our website to find out what we do and why it can take longer than you might expect. how-we-deal-problems-road-network
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Systems Team at 18:10, Fri 5 January 2024
We've looked into this report and are investigating the issue.
We will update this report once we decide what action to take.State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Systems Team at 12:01, Fri 19 January 2024
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