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Road flooding, affecting property access

Reported via iOS anonymously at 17:06, Thu 4 January 2024

Sent to Brighton and Hove City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5395532.

The road has flooded after a period of rain. I previously reported this problem, and will state the same as before. This happens 9/10 times it rains, the road cuts both pedestrian and vehicular access to both property and other roads. School children use this road to access BACA and other local schools, forcing them to trapse through dirty flood water or precariously balance on crumbling walls of property. Currently, this problem is affecting 5-12 Lucraft Road and if rain continues, other property will also be affected. If this flooding occurs when there is an event at Falmer AmEx Stadium, there will be little to no access for supporters, and even less access for residents.

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