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Blocked and Overflowing drains

Reported via mobile anonymously at 14:45, Wednesday 3 January 2024

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5387834.

All the drains on The Littleway, The Wayne Way & The Langhill are blocked and require urgent cleaning. We had issues with houses being flooded in June 2023. Yesterday’s rain again caused flooding issues to homes on Green Lane Road all because the drains are full of debris.

As there is a slight hill on the Wayne Way flash flooding occurs because the drains are blocked and water flows down to the Littleway and into the gardens of the houses on Green Lane Road. This is all preventable if the council would clean and regularly maintain the drains!!!!!

I have lived in the area for over 15 years and never experienced any flash floods! Apart from June 2023 and again January 2024! Somethings changed with the maintenance of the drainage systems.

Absolutely disgraceful to leave council tax payers to suffer due to your negligence!

The residence in the area have had enough and if something is not done soon will be taking legal action & claiming for damages!

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