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Light sensor is not detecting vehicles problem

Reported via Open311 in the Light sensor is not detecting vehicles category by Gloucestershire County Council at 12:05, Wednesday 3 January 2024

FixMyStreet ref: 5386563.

02/01/24 email rcvd - Hello,
This is the first time I’ve emailed you and would like to know if your aware of the severe traffic jams on Swindon Road Cheltenham due to the traffic lights not being sequenced which cause long queues especially from the Royal Mail sorting office end (GL50 4BJ) which often go all the way to Tewkesbury Road and the cause is the lights outside the brewery quarter GL50 4FA not letting the traffic at the Lidl Swindon Road GL50 4AH lights not being able to clear both together, its actually quicker to go through the town centre to avoid this and that shouldnt be right?
Thanks for now

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