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The whole of new road needs relaying.. Speed bumps collapsed pot holes.. Same every single year

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category by Andrew Davies at 12:34, Thu 28 December 2023

Sent to Cardiff Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5361153.

New road is ironic seeming it's a terrible old road that's falling apart.. 20+ speed bumps 99% broken from the heavy buses.

Road falling apart Bottom of new road has had about 15 repairs ( maybe if you didn't use donkeys it would last) Typical council workers think it doesn't cost then doing sub par work ( even thou they all pay tax!! Lol)

Needs looking at now

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  • Totally agree this road is full,of potholes especially around speed bumps

    Posted anonymously at 20:23, Fri 31 May 2024

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