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Loose fence pole across rive

Reported via mobile anonymously at 12:40, Fri 22 December 2023

Sent to Breckland District Council and Norfolk County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5348781.

I have just been for a walk down Ashburton Road IP26 5JA and went to the bridge across the river Wissey. (Buckenham Lane) Looking downstream at all the water a leaning on the metal barrier it was only after I moved away that I saw that the top pole connector is very loose and the metal pole could come out. I was lucky but if anyone else leans on this it could disconnect and they could then topple over into the fast moving water. This is VERY DANGEROUS and needs immediate attention as many people walk down here especially over the Xmas season. I have reported this already to Breckland council but they say not their responsibility.

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