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Car parked on the pavement each day, no access for wheelchair users and blocking visibility of drive ways

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 09:13, Mon 18 December 2023

Sent to Bromsgrove District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5332027.

Each day a car parks up on the pavement. There are two problems. The car is clearly blocking access for mobility scooters, these leaves people on scooters to have to go onto a very busy road (A38) to go around it. It is also blocking visibility of driveways trying to exit again onto a very busy road which has led to several near misses. The car turns up every day at 6am and the driver is picked up. He then gets dropped back around 4pm. It’s been happening for several weeks and I have left a note for the driver, politely asking him to move. He has ignored this request. Please help before a serious incident occurs. It’s just a matter of time

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  • A Comment: IF B'grove Dist. Council actually deals with this issue - please pass on the info. to others who use this FixMyStreet site. Alternative suggestions: (i) make direct contact to all the BDC ward councillors for this area, plus the Worcs. CC councillors for this area. (ii) contact the LOCAL police team - called 'the safer neighbourhood team'. +=+=+ Recently a group of residents in Redditch discovered that the POLICE have a 'safer roads partnership' - so please try contacting: "" +=+=+ Pray for miracles and Good LUCK!

    Posted by Redditch Resident at 05:05, Tue 19 December 2023

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