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Sat 9 Dec 2023, 15.42, outside Supernews, WOT, individual seen sweeping together and collecting gutter litter of crisp packets, wrappers etc and pushing them in to gutter drain. A blockage will ensue.

Reported via mobile in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 10:30, Fri 15 December 2023

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5323335.

Inappropriate disposal of litter.

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  • We have been in contact with this gentleman and he has informed us that during the process of clearing up litter his brush got stuck in the drain and he is merely freeing it. The photo appears to back up this version of events rather than the alleged malicious actions.

    Posted by BRISTOL ClTY COUNClL at 15:42, Fri 15 December 2023

  • I watched this gentleman sweep the litter and repeatedly push it through the grille of the drain, prodding it down with the brush and then stamp it through the grilles with his foot. He absolutely was not ‘freeing it’.

    Posted anonymously at 18:34, Fri 15 December 2023

  • I watched this gentleman sweep the litter and repeatedly push it through the grille of the drain, prodding it down with the brush and then stamp it through the grilles with his foot. He absolutely was not ‘freeing it’.

    Posted anonymously at 18:38, Fri 15 December 2023

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 20:49, Tue 12 March 2024

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