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Large white van blocking pavement

Reported via mobile in the Rights of way category anonymously at 20:12, Tue 12 December 2023

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5313424.

Every other evening during the start of rush hour there is a large wheelbase white van that parks on the pavement while visiting the children's nursery. It partially blocks the roads which interrupts the flow of traffic and partially blocks the pavement making it difficult for pedestrians to pass. It is here every week, the owner is too lazy to use the car park on this site and would rather inconvenience everyone else for their selfish convenience. I nearly took her door off tonight as she swung it open in live traffic trying to pass the huge van, the owner didn't even look. Sure, they get to front door park to pickup their child, what about the other families trying to use the pavement?! Please send parking officer and/or have a word with the nursery.

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