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Pile of cut branches

Reported via Android anonymously at 21:36, Mon 11 December 2023

Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5308717.

Branches have been cut off trees in the public highway between 180 & 182 Spencefield Lane, Leicester by the property owners clearing their driveways but on the public footway areas which may be considered illegal and damaging the flora & fawna of the iconic trees of Spencefield Lane. Also the subsequent branches have been dragged across the road and piled up on the junction of Mickleton Drive and Spencefield Lane about 3 metres high. Damage to the grass verge and possible fly tipping issues & arson type fire issue. Without professional pollarding or pruning the long established Lime trees are now subjected to disease. Vandalized trees may be considered an offence.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 14:50, Tuesday 9 January 2024

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