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Traffic lights not working

Reported via mobile in the Traffic light head is facing wrong direction category anonymously at 10:55, Sat 9 December 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5299079.

Finally road Gloucester by the school. Since the traffic lights got turned off for road works the traffic lights have not been working you have to press the button nurmurus times for it to work if you press once nothing happens they go back to normal so have to press the button 5 times or more so you can safely cross also nee cameras as I was witness to two vehicles going through a red light one almost hit me as he did a u turne just after the lights and as soon I was out of the way he drove through the red light second one again waitined for someone to cross and went through the red light the only cameras there is are the ones on the lights looking at people and not vehicles so be good to have some in case someone dose end up getting hit.

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