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Path overgrown on Bartley wood

Reported via mobile in the Rights of way category by Councillor Paul Kinge at 10:04, Tue 5 December 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5283488.

The footpath leading from the Bartley Wood estate near Providence House to the village is so overgrown we have had complaints from wheelchair users and parents with buggy’s that the path is now over half its width covered in vegetation and trees etc. this has been reported numerous times by myself and others and nothing has been done, myself and one of our District councillors have been talking with Jonathan Glen over this inaction and he has heard nothing back. This is the main route for the business park to the station and residents of the flats to get to the village and the have to walk on a soggy verge in this weather!

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