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Water zone

Reported via desktop in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 19:59, Thu 23 November 2023

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5247274.

Please take care of the water area (there was a very big problem with abandoned shopping trolleys, thank you for cleaning this place) - there are also abandoned shopping carts nearby - please clean them up. Please talk to local supermarkets about this so that they can invest in cleaning up their equipment and take better care of their equipment.

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  • This place needs to be looked after more, there is still garbage, recently I saw an abandoned fridge.

    Please create a nice poster about recycling (something economic but creative). Please post a nice article about recycling. Please include in the article information: how much such cleaning costs the city, and what this money could be spent on.

    In schools, please pay more attention to lessons about ''caring for the environment'' and organize local cleanings.

    Posted anonymously at 20:04, Thu 29 February 2024

  • It also seems to be the houses and flats behind keep dumping rubbish and white goods over the fence line which rolls down the banks! Also becoming a common spot for burning stolen motorbikes out! Will get photos of this at a later, but spotted this the other week while out walking trying to enjoy the area like I use too years ago!

    Posted anonymously at 12:27, Wed 8 May 2024

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