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Roche Avenue Bus Stop

Reported via mobile in the Bus stops category anonymously at 02:48, Tue 21 November 2023

Sent to Essex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5235208.

This Bus stop is an absolute joke!! It is totally overgrown by Hedging to the rear of the bus stop. Which now has come inside the bus stop and also over the roof of the bus stop. This whole bus stop needs to be completely cleaned, completely trimmed and the bus stop washed down as the bus stop is filthy dirty!!

Also a replacement the removed criminal damaged digital bus timetable Essex County Council which was removed absolutely months ago which to date has never replaced since!!

It would be also nice if you could get the all the rear Hedging completely trimmed back beside the bus stop where the bench is too. As you don’t feel very safe at the bus stop early in the morning or late in the evening !!

If this all the totally overgrown hedging was cut back then passengers would be able to down the road and the bus drivers could see passengers at the bus stop too!!

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  • This need to be done ASAP !!

    Posted anonymously at 03:22, Tue 21 November 2023

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