Uneven surface/potholes
Reported via mobile in the Potholes / Highway Condition category anonymously at 20:37, Mon 20 November 2023
Sent to Northamptonshire Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5234843.
Potholes on road outside 40 The Crescent which leads to 40a-46. The road is uneven and a trip hazard at night due to the street lighting not covering this part of the road.
Thank you for reporting a fault. Officers will now investigate the concerns and this may take up to 5 working days. If you believe that your concerns are urgent then please phone us.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 20:38, Mon 20 November 2023
Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Not Started - Having inspected the above-mentioned road we can confirm we have scheduled maintenance in the area within the next 26 weeks, as per our priority levels. But we hope to complete it as soon as possible. You will receive further updates once it has been completed.
For more information about our services, please visit parking-roads-and-transport
You can also keep up to date on highways by following us on Facebook and Twitter @wnhighwaysPosted by Northamptonshire Highways at 11:29, Wed 22 November 2023
Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Scheduled
State changed to: Action scheduled
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 13:51, Wed 22 November 2023
Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Ongoing
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 09:24, Mon 4 December 2023
Investigation: Completed (Defect Found), Defect Repair: Work Completed
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Northamptonshire Highways at 11:04, Tue 5 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.