Sidewalks need cleaning
Reported via desktop in the Leafing category anonymously at 19:19, Sat 11 November 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Bromley Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5200678.
Please send a sweeping car to clean the sidewalks outside 32, 63, 65 Albemarle Road and between 60 Albemarle Road and the meeting point of Albemarle Road and Meadway. If you send the sweeping car between 11 and 4 on a weekday, it could also clean the curbs on the side with parked cars, because most cars will be away at the times I gave.
Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Bromley Council at 19:20, Sat 11 November 2023
This road has been inspected by Bromley and its condition noted and passed to our street cleansing contractor. Leaf fall is a borough wide issue and whilst we cannot respond to each ad-hoc request as they get reported, we have instructed our contractor to arrange for this road to be caught up as soon as is practical. Leafing attendance focusses on clearing the footways initially and verges and carriageways may be cleared on subsequent attendance or as part of routine schedules.
From October to January, our autumn leaf clearance programme provides additional crews and equipment to clear leaves from streets that are known to have the highest proportion of leaves and therefore a priority.
Whilst our routine cleansing frequencies can be disrupted by the leafing season, please be assured that our contractors are working hard to ensure that any backlogs are recovered at the earliest possible opportunity.
To assist us at this time we would ask residents not to sweep leaves from their property into the road and remember that leaves can be disposed of by home composting, through the Council's Green Garden Waste scheme or taken to our refuse and recycling centres. More information is available at wastenews
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Bromley Council at 11:54, Mon 13 November 2023
Of course I understand that you cannot respond to every ad-hoc request. But I assure you that footways in Albemarle Road are NEVER swept! I live there, hence I walk the footways daily, thus I observe and see that some places are never swept year over year. The leaves are slippery and that can lead to accidents and suitably angry people seeing the council for not sweeping the footways properly. The fact that no one ever sweeps footways is a borough wide issue as it is a matter of the contractor's bad management of street cleaning. If the contractor managed street cleaning well, footways would be clean.
Posted anonymously at 19:43, Mon 13 November 2023
Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Bromley Council at 11:12, Tue 21 November 2023
Appropriate action has been taken to resolve the issue.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Bromley Council at 08:51, Fri 24 November 2023
Appropriate action on what I reported has not been taken. Evidence is photo 1 which shows the footway outside 23-26 Albemarle, photo 2 which shows the footway outside 63-67 Albemarle, and photo 3 which shows the footway outside 56-60 Albemarle Road. I reported specifically the footways as that's where people walk and slip. And as Veolia has the contractual obligation to clean footways that belong to the council too. These footways haven't been cleared. The only action that has been taken is standard scheduled sweeping of the curb on 1 side of Albemarle. The other side never gets the curbs swept either! Please send a sweeping car to sweep the footways in this report and the curbs on the side of Albemarle with buildings that have even numbers.Thank you.
Posted anonymously at 11:58, Sat 25 November 2023
The issue has been re-attended and additional works completed. If the issue re-occurs please re-report via:
Posted by Bromley Council at 14:43, Mon 11 December 2023
I see every day that the issue has not been resolved. Now the leaves have attached themselves to the sidewalks due to cold wet weather and that will make them more slippery - and harder to sweep up. Please send a small machine which will fit on the sidewalks and have the sidewalks thoroughly swept before I or someone slips on them and breaks limbs. Again, Veolia has sweeping the sidewalks in the contract of its work, but never does this part of the contract. Many thanks.
Posted anonymously at 19:32, Mon 11 December 2023
This road has been inspected by Bromley and its condition noted and passed to our street cleansing contractor. Leaf fall is a borough wide issue and whilst we cannot respond to each ad-hoc request as they get reported, we have instructed our contractor to arrange for this road to be caught up as soon as is practical. Leafing attendance focusses on clearing the footways initially and verges and carriageways may be cleared on subsequent attendance or as part of routine schedules.
From October to January, our autumn leaf clearance programme provides additional crews and equipment to clear leaves from streets that are known to have the highest proportion of leaves and therefore a priority.
Whilst our routine cleansing frequencies can be disrupted by the leafing season, please be assured that our contractors are working hard to ensure that any backlogs are recovered at the earliest possible opportunity.
To assist us at this time we would ask residents not to sweep leaves from their property into the road and remember that leaves can be disposed of by home composting, through the Council's Green Garden Waste scheme or taken to our refuse and recycling centres. More information is available at wastenews
Posted by Bromley Council at 11:20, Tue 12 December 2023
Thank you for using FixMyStreet to report your concerns to Bromley.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Bromley Council at 11:25, Tue 12 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.