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No point in taking one photo as multiple issues. Road needs resurfacing, pavements cleaning and lighting improved

Reported via mobile in the Street lighting category anonymously at 11:09, Fri 10 November 2023

Sent to Bury Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5196239.

There are so many potholes that the whole road needs resurfacing. St Anne's is being done. PPRS should be next. The pavements are so slippery from least fall that I'm surprised no one has injured themselves badly yet. Especially since children walk along here to school in Park View Road. There really needs to be a working street light on the corner with Bury New Road. It's almost impossible to see the turning at night. If I drive from Prestwich village I indicate right but have to look left to see the Road opposite to know where my own turning is

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:45, Fri 8 December 2023

  • I believe some pot holes were filled in further down the street but the whole road needs resurfacing. Cars swerve to avoid the holes or risk damage. The slime from leaf fall is still on the pavements as well as road edges. If there is any ice in the next few days it's very likely someone will go over, either on the pavement or crossing the road. Road still needs a light where it meets Bury New Road

    Posted anonymously at 13:14, Tue 9 January 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Whilst most of the leaves have gone (think washed away by rain rather than by council workers when the slime was quite a dangerous slip hazard) the road surface is getting worse. At the top of the road it looks like the joining of 2 tectonic plates! There is a split along the centre of the road which is probably getting worse.

    Posted anonymously at 13:55, Tue 6 February 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Whilst the holes outside my house were patched up there are some big potholes still in existence further down the street, and the line of small holes along the centre of the road were left to grow. The street needs to be properly resurfaced. Nothing has been done about the lighting. Currently not too bad as the trees aren't in full leaf and it's getting dark later, but this will become a problem by summer.

    Posted anonymously at 08:39, Wed 6 March 2024

  • Met with a local Councillor and then 2 residents attended council meeting to explain that these quick fixes are a waste of money (holes are bad again) and road is busier than they believe as parents park here for school drop off and collection. Nevertheless no resurfacing seems to be planned

    Posted anonymously at 09:11, Wed 3 April 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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