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Footpath obstructed

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 22:46, Tue 7 November 2023

Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5186461.

A vehicle is blocking the footpath nightly outside number 24 it is a silver pick up truck. This happens most nights and days

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  • Still blocking the pavement daily , every evening numbers 22 and 24 take it upon themselves to park on the pavement without a care for myself in a mobility scooter having to go into road to get past along with pram.users etc as well. This also happens at weekends as well. Reported numerous times with no change, where has the traffic warden on the scooter gone who used to ride around ticketing these inconsiderate people.

    Posted anonymously at 22:56, Mon 13 November 2023

  • Still not resolved by local parking enforcement even though rung direct numerous times. Response from council if not on a no oarking area such as yellow lines nothing they can do as not an offence yet in our area. Informed them vehicles are on double yellow lines still nothing done so not sure how to get anything done before some poor person with a buggy, mobility scooter or wheelchair is unfortunately hit when having to step into the busy road to get past the obstructions .

    Posted anonymously at 20:16, Tue 12 December 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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