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Abandoned motor homes

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned Vehicle category anonymously at 13:19, Wed 1 November 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Isle of Wight Council 4 minutes later. Council ref: 16253765.

Two large motor homes seem to have been left/abandoned in Baring Road. These are causing traffic problems with cars trying to pass making the road one carriage way. I understand often cars are parked short term in the road but these have been left now for many days. The length of both these vehicles cause traffic passing problems. Turning in and out of my drive is problematic at busy times by these motor homes and several near accident have occurred.

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  • There is no further action required.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Island Roads at 17:02, Wed 1 November 2023

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