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Severe dips in road

Reported via desktop in the Potholes & road surface category by Bath and North East Somerset Council at 15:28, Thu 19 October 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5114457.

The contractor that was working here on the kerb edges has left the road surface in such a state its like the Mira test track for suspensions. Its unavoidable to cross due the teh narrow lane.

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  • Thank you for your report. We will review the details you submitted and will inspect the site if necessary.

    We respond to 9 out of 10 reports of potholes and road surface issues within 10 working days, once we have decided on the best course of action. You can visit our website to find out what we do and why in some cases it can take longer than you might expect. how-we-deal-problems-road-network

    You can support our investigation by providing as much detail as possible. If you can provide any extra information, please add an update to this report.

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Systems Team at 15:28, Thu 19 October 2023

  • This contractor has been allowed constantly to destroy and then fail to repair the road after ripping it up, should the matter not be resolved in 7 days I will need the councils liability insurance details to repaid my front tyres and tracking at a cost of over £650. It’s unfair for my vehicle to be smashed about in order for contractors to fail to do the job properly it was ok before they ripped it up several times .

    Posted anonymously at 05:39, Wed 8 November 2023

  • The road is very uneven where utilities have been taken across the road and the road has not been repaired properly. It is getting a severe dip now.

    Posted anonymously at 15:22, Mon 20 November 2023

  • Nothing has been done could you post who we send our claims to for the damage to our vehicles , would that be the council as they allowed this to carry on, it;s not moving along very fast.

    Posted anonymously at 19:56, Mon 20 November 2023

  • This road has been left in an awful state. It has been dug up numerous times to provide utilities to the new housing estate opposite Bloomfield Cottages. Not only is it causing damage to vehicles but it is also causing a lot of noise pollution due to heavy goods vehicles and any cars towing trailers hitting the dip in the road. The noise is becoming unbearable for the residents of Bloomfield Cottages. It's disgusting that we have been left with this damage when the new housing development has a lovely new road! Please can this be looked at as a matter or urgency.

    Posted anonymously at 16:48, Wed 29 November 2023

  • The road sunk in and it's very dangerous, need attention asap.

    Posted anonymously at 11:35, Thu 30 November 2023

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