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Confusing new road markings near misses

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 12:01, Thu 19 October 2023

Sent to Milton Keynes Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5113467.

Before the work done on the Redmoor roundabout it was clear coming off the A5 that the left lane was left only, middle lane filter to straight over and right for straight over or continue right.

Now the junction markings are the same but the roundabout markings make it seem that left lane can go straight over, middle goes straight over but doesn't filter over to the left straight over, so drivers stay in the middle leading to near misses with drivers starting in the right lane of junction which shows straight over or right but roundabout markings filter to right only

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  • Still outstanding ... as you pass over the A5 with the next turn being Grafton Street going to the A421 roundabout, left hand lane arrows are for left turn and straight on, yet right hand lane also says for left turn (ie cutting across the left lane where someone wants to go straight on) and straight on.

    Posted anonymously at 09:18, Wed 7 February 2024

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