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Green filter light doesn’t work when turning right

Reported via desktop in the Green or amber traffic light is not working category anonymously at 00:20, Thu 12 October 2023

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5088457.

The new set of traffic lights on Llanthony Road do not have the green filter working correctly when turning left coming out of Llanthony Road from the direction of the children’s day nursery onto the main road heading towards Hempsted.

Cars coming from the Hempsted direction have a working green filter to turn right into Llanthony Road.

When this filter turns green, cars have always previously have had a green light to turn left. There is no pedestrian crossing on turning left which would mean cars have to remain on red.

Although there are two separate lights on this two lane junction, both turn green at the same time to allow cars to turn left and right (turning right leads to Castle Meads Way).

The failure of the green light to come on when turning left is causing massive delays in the late afternoon with cars usually backing up right down Severn Road to outside Upstairs Downstairs and blocking The Lock bridge near the prison.

It can often take me 20 minutes at 5pm to get from the far end of Severn Road to getting through the lights. This stretch is less than half a mile.

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