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Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:52, Sun 8 October 2023

Sent to Liverpool City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5073379.

My neighbour and I have had to put up with loud music playing all night. From Sat 7 Oct to Sun 8 Oct. It has been playing since 7pm Satf to now (9am) Sun morning. I wonder if the owner of the property would like an Airb&b next door to him. Is there anything that can be done.

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  • Another night of loud music 22/23 Oct. No consideration for neighbours. Government should outlaw airb&b in residential areas.

    Posted anonymously at 09:38, Mon 23 October 2023

  • Another night of loud music 22/23 Oct. No consideration for neighbours. Government should outlaw airb&b in residential areas.

    Posted anonymously at 09:38, Mon 23 October 2023

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