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Just had a bad fall 10pm

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category by Cheryl mccraw at 22:47, Wed 27 September 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5039081.

The path at top of fulbar road is so muddy and slippy with leaves etc old grass cuttings have rotted I’ve just took a really bad fall I was out with my dog 10 mins ago and about to step onto the road and went right backwards into mud and water dropped dog lead and couldn’t get up for a few mins I’ve really hunted bottom of my tailbone . No one about at that time but it needs cleaned fast if I were older I’d have been in trouble as I’m sore at my side now . Only went that way as all bl….y lights are out all way round so needed a bit of light

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