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The entry / alleyway between Mcdonald and methuen street

Reported via mobile in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 23:52, Sat 16 September 2023

Sent to Liverpool City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5001442.

Can you please put cameras on the alley gates, the alleyway is full of bin bags, dog muck and a general dumping ground for everything, rat central

The council marked a hole to be filled at the back of mine years ago, still not filled

Can the council please send letters in every language explaining how to use a bin to every household and prosecute those who throw rubbish everywhere, people in this area throw rubbish where they want and I believe they think it's acceptable to do so or just don't care

I don't intend on spending my life in this area as the rats are everywhere and this area just feels abandoned, I would do an alley clear myself but I know it would be the same and filled with rubbish after a day or two

I live in an area where I have a dedicated pair of trainers for putting my bin out as I can bin them if covered in dog muck or anything else that's been dumped

The bins get emptied every Monday and cleanup crew also comes on Tuesday each week, surely the council can save money by identifying the problems in the area as in catching fly tipping and dog mess in the alleyway thus saving and taking in money from fines, normal areas in liverpool have a bin collection once a fortnight

The issue here is persistent, bin bags with food feed rats and so does dog mess as its another food source for rat's

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  • I'll be honest, I don't expect the council to do anything, see hey

    Posted anonymously at 00:14, Sun 17 September 2023

  • Was never going to get fixed was it, rats around here are big enough for me to put a leash on and take for walks now as well, better fed than me 🤣

    Posted anonymously at 09:17, Sun 15 October 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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