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Perimeter of cemetery

Reported via desktop in the Obstruction category anonymously at 11:13, Thu 7 September 2023 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4968434.

The whole printer of the cemetery has been allowed to overgrow and is blocking the pavement to such an extent that people cannot pass without going in to the very very busy road. Road signage is also blocked by the hedges. Brambles are growing out at head level and I have personally been struck in the face by them causing me to fall. It really needs attention.

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  • This issue is currently under investigation. We'll provide updates on the outcome as soon as we can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 08:42, Fri 15 September 2023

  • As of 12.17, 15 September the brambles have grown even more and children (and adults) are at serious risk of getting their faces scratched, not forgetting clothing being torn by thick-stemmed brambles. A pair of secateurs would solve the problem very quickly.

    Posted anonymously at 12:25, Fri 15 September 2023

  • A citizen has provided a follow-up to the original enquiry.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 12:25, Fri 15 September 2023

  • The brambles which were overhanging the path from the small gate to the cemetery to No. 270 Canford Lane have been cut back by a public-spirited resident who also removed the rubbish.

    Posted anonymously at 16:47, Sun 24 September 2023

  • A citizen has provided a follow-up to the original enquiry.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 16:47, Sun 24 September 2023

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