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Masa Sushi - fresh postings on barriers

Reported via desktop in the Flyposting category anonymously at 07:59, Sat 2 September 2023

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4950636.

I have removed one, the other too difficult to pull off.

Reported on at least two occasions, while you removed previous locations, these fresh postings seem to suggest no attempt was made to warn the owners about this behaviour so the cycle remains unbroken.

Can I suggest anytime flytposting is reported (by the public, of course), you ALWAYS make contact with the culprits, warn / advise AND insist they remove them themselves else they will be FINED. Otherwise, we will never be rid of any flyposting across Glasgow as seems to be the current case. Pro-active management not just reactive removal. Thanks.

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