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Parking on Pavements

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 09:05, Tue 22 August 2023

Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4915282.

There are two vehicles parked fully on a traffic island , they use it permanently as a parking space both vehicle are owned by the same person who drives them up onto the island every day blocking the view and safety of drivers approaching the junction as they block the view , the vehicles are a range Rover and a Commercial Transit van for a roofing company . This has been happening for over a year but with the new pavement law now in force this can now be dealt with and drivers and local residents will no longer need to deal with the dangerous approach of the blind junction made so by said vehicles .

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  • Response from local council unless there is a yellow line where the vehicle is parked we cannot action !!!! The vehicles are parked on a grass traffic island ?? never seen yellow lines on a grassed area before . Not sure how the new pavement parking law will be enforced if local councils are already using reasons like the above to not deal with matters , it looks like another ruling passed but never actioned by the local authorities again ,

    Posted anonymously at 08:34, Thu 24 August 2023

  • Typical reply by council to pass the buck. But to suggest the traffic island needs yellow lines in the grass for them to be able to do anything is definitely a first for me. I've only ever seen white lines on grass football pitches etc never yellow on a traffic island but there you go that was the answer from those in the know at West Sussex Council .

    Posted anonymously at 14:00, Mon 25 September 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still no action, and the left view is blocked by these two vehicles. I assume when there is an accident from someone pulling out without a good view, they may then do something then.

    Posted anonymously at 15:10, Wed 25 October 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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