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Illegal estate parking

Reported via Android in the Car parking category anonymously at 10:39, Sun 8 June 2014

Sent to Tower Hamlets 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 485169.

This car parks here every day. Never received a ticket. Parks for the whole day and comes back the next. NSL seem to come once a day and this guy seems to know when they turn up.

Other cars come and go all day as well as you can see from the Black Land Rover in the background.

Plus the paintjob is a crime.

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  • As a dead end road doesn't appear on the map, near the marker, it is probably a private road. In that case, the estate management will be doing parking enforcement.

    Even if these are "council houses", most councils these days actually have a separate company that runs their social housing, and deals with issues like this. However, the council may forward such reports to them.

    If it is a private road, the yellow lines won't have any legal significance, unless they are mentioned in a relevant contract. On the other hand parking will be, by default, trespass, so they could still be prosecuted if they don't have official permission.

    I don't understand the paint job reference and I suspect you don't really mean it is a criminal offence.

    Posted anonymously at 11:01, Sun 8 June 2014

  • In the case of Tower Hamlets, the company that runs their social housing is Tower Hamlet Homes

    Posted anonymously at 11:05, Sun 8 June 2014

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 11:01, Sun 6 July 2014

  • Apparently the contract with NSL is only to do two sweeps of an area throughout the entire 12 hour period it is enforced.

    So the council spends 12 seconds a day enforcing each area.

    Posted anonymously at 11:01, Sun 6 July 2014

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