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Dangerous crossing for children since the departure of the crossing patrol

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 15:03, Sun 23 July 2023

Sent to Leeds City Council 2 hours, 9 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 4816468.

Since the crossing patrol retried, no replacement has been provided by Leeds City Council. An assessment was carried out by LCC, however this was done on one of the coldest days of the year, where the vast majority of parents drove their kids to school. A second assessment was carried out, but at this time the majority of parents have deemed the road to dangerous to cross, therefore hardly any children crossed. Since then, nearly all parents I speak to will not allow their children to walk to school, due to how dangerous the road is. I feel that if something isnt done, a child could be injured, or worse. At the other end of the village, on the same road, next to Kippax North school, there is a crossing, so I dont understand how an assessment has failed at this location, if LCC had deemed a crossing necessary on the same road.

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