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Moss covered pavements very slippy and dangerous

Reported via desktop in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 15:19, Sat 15 July 2023

Sent to Stockport Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4789920.

There are overgrowing trees outside numbers 2,4,6 rushton drive marple, i am 73 years old and have two metal knees and over the last few months have fell several times outside these houses, mainly number4 and 6,as the trees shadow the pavement and moss grows quickly there, I have complained and been told its not their fault as they do not own the pavement it is up to the council, Maybe but is also their fault for not trimming back the trees, however, iwas 73 yesterday 14th July, and today 15th July i once again fell on the moss outisde no 4, they also insist on parking cars across the pavement at this house leaving nowhere to pass and you either have to walk on the moss or on the road, iI wear sturdy shoes and even they cannot stop me falling in this area, can somehting please be done as I keep picturing my metal knees bursting through my skin, once I hit the floor I cannot get up by myself and usually someone has always helped me to get up again this morning there was no on around and i struggled to get on to my front so I could push up (like doing press ups) to get back onto my feet, as I cannot kneel on metal knees. please can you do something about this area as I am terrified of ending up in hospital when. I have been advised to sue. The next time I end up on my back in the same place will be the 7th in as many weeks. please do something about this urgently.

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  • The people at number 6 have cleaned outside their home, but number 4 has not made much of an effort and the fact they have stones all over the driveway and everytime they drive in and out of the drive they leave a trail of pebble like stones makes it twice as easy to slip, the people who live at number two have not done a thing and it is still very slippy and full of moss outside their home right down to the end of Rushton Drive, another lady fell over in front of me outside this house just the other day and she says it is not the first time she has fallen either. Maybe when one of their own relations or friends fall they will do something about it.

    Posted anonymously at 17:39, Sat 12 August 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Sorry to say that the people who live at 4 rushton have still not moved the moss and it is now worse underfoot because all the pebbles off the drive are on the pavement too, when the winter coes if we have snow it will be really treacherous. number 2 have not even attempted to clear moss ouside their home and it reaches onto waterside and it is now worse because there are hundres of acorns off her oak trea coveriung the pavement too making it very uncomfortable and unsafe to walk on the pavement at all and as previously stated will cause pedestrians some nasty falls, even my dog could not walk across there this morning as he is old 14 and his legs collapsed when he hit the acorns.

    Posted anonymously at 17:55, Sun 10 September 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • These areas are now even worse, spreading around the bottom of rushton onto waterside and acorns covering the pavement and roadside, and the other end of rushton drive is now also covered in moss from no 55 onwards down to waterside.

    Posted anonymously at 19:10, Mon 9 October 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still the same and now with all the rain twice as slippy

    Posted anonymously at 18:13, Tue 7 November 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Its niw even worse with ice, snow and moss

    Posted anonymously at 15:06, Wed 6 December 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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