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Dangerous traffic

Reported via mobile anonymously at 08:14, Sat 15 July 2023

Sent to Milton Keynes Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4788685.

I have reported to high ways some time ago , about the danger of high traffic going through an A road. Rainbow drive , Palace square, St Paul's Catholic school , MK academy,and MK collage. This has been going on daily and weekly for 20 years. The road becomes blocked with parked cars , traffic can not get through , antisocial behaviour with drugs , drink and parties. The road is used to much as it is out of the way of police. It is at the back of our gardens so we here everything and it is now used to race cars up and down. The most dangers is from 3pm when both schools either side of Palace Square mk6 5JZ finish. There is not enough path way for that amount of children so they continue to walk in the road which is completely unacceptable we have all ready had a dog run over and can not walk our dogs. This is extremely priority as now the schools are going kn there summer holidays maybe something could be done for there return. What we would like to happen. Very simple. Yellow posts put up to make Palace Square a dead end ( this was 30 years ago and worked well) also from woughton leisure centre. The road from St Paul's Catholic school made into a walking zone only so no through traffic or parking. Only the school gardening and landscape team to drive to there gates which is early morning before the start of school. Please feel free to contact me for a walk about and I can show you the danger zones. I am now a councilor for the parish council so I do expect some progress on this dangerous matter. Thank you kindly

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  • Up dates on rai bow drive , Palace Square,

    Posted anonymously at 08:18, Sat 15 July 2023

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