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Overgrown vegetation

Reported via iOS in the Suggested improvements category anonymously at 15:01, Fri 14 July 2023

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4787196.

Lack of maintenance results in large amounts of overgrowth making very narrow cycle path unsafe to use next to traffic travelling at 50mph. Annual council trimming not reasonably frequent or sufficient to ensure safe cycling. Despite previous reports on this platform nothing is done. The issue recurs every year in early summer until the annual trim in October. Safe cycling should be encouraged by our elected representatives and use of public money. Thank you

Council ref: 4787196

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  • Thank you for your suggestion, it will be added to a list which are assessed and prioritised by our Safety Team. We will now close this report, but if your suggestion gets selected for action we will let you know.

    Posted by Oxfordshire County Council at 15:01, Fri 14 July 2023

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