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Rubbish on cycle path

Reported via mobile in the Roads/Highways category anonymously at 08:45, Thu 13 July 2023

Sent to Lewisham Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4781659.

Rubbish (cans/bottles etc) accumulating on shared cycle path/footpath/road that goes through the tunnel under the railway. Needs a good tidy up

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  • According to Lewisham Highways Register this is a private footpath leased to Sustrans from Network Rail.

    Have asked Street Cleansing to confirm whether we maintain any of it

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Lewisham Borough Council at 11:57, Thu 13 July 2023

  • Sustrans confirm it is not their responsibility in the following email...

    'Hi Philip,

    I must apologise, in my email to you on Monday I mistakenly provided you with false information, for which I am very sorry. Sustrans doesn’t own the land underneath the railway tracks here. In the 10 years our Project Manager in London has been at Sustrans, they are not aware that we have ever been involved in cleaning or maintaining it.

    It was about 20 year ago that we got a licence from Network Rail that enabled us to open this route, but this never equated to ownership of this section, which likely lies with the Lewisham authorities.

    The Project Manager has suggested that the student accommodation, which has been there for 7 years now, could be taking some responsibility for the maintenance of this path too. They contacted the London Volunteer Coordinator who has confirmed that their team have had nothing to do with this path and unfortunately can’t commit their team to help here due to them being at capacity with projects on land we do own already.

    To address the error in the information I passed on to you, I have contacted my colleagues in the GIS team to update the map to reflect that we have never owned this section.

    I am sorry that this response will look like passing the buck, and I apologise again for passing on incorrect information to you on Monday. The best way to get this addressed would be to go through Lewisham.

    Best wishes,

    Callum Rickard

    Supporter Care Officer | Fundraising & Supporter Engagement | Sustrans

    2 Cathedral Square | College Green | Bristol | BS1 5DD'

    Posted anonymously at 22:30, Fri 20 October 2023

  • We are investigating ownership

    Posted by Lewisham Borough Council at 19:16, Tue 24 October 2023

  • Works compleyed

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Lewisham Borough Council at 14:40, Thursday 21 November 2024

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