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Drain covers blocked

Reported via desktop anonymously at 07:58, Sat 8 July 2023

Sent to Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4762686.

Two drain covers are blocked in this area, which is the part of the road separated by a bank with a line of trees. The first one is near the 4th tree, coming down the road, and is beside the bank/trees. The second one is at the bottom of this section, on the side with the houses, outside no. 47.. The upper one has been blocked for a long time, and a previous report was not acted on. I couldn't upload a 4th photo helping with the second location.

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  • I have been told they will not not be doing anything until 2026 which is outrageous. They also listed the location as The Drive Southwick so even 2026 is looking unlikely.

    Posted anonymously at 09:42, Sat 5 August 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 18:14, Sat 2 September 2023

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