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Public Footpath Blocked by Waist/Head-High Crops

Reported via desktop in the Rights of way category anonymously at 18:44, Fri 7 July 2023

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4761957.

A 260 yard stretch of the public footpath between Heath Farm -> Lachett's Copse / Goose Green has been completely covered by crops, to the point the footpath is completely invisible. These crops have now grown to waist height, and part of the stretch is at head height.

The farmer has made no effort to maintain the public footpath or clear it after planting crops. This happens year after year, but this year is particularly bad -- and between these times, part of the route is still blocked anyway!

Please can this footpath be properly cleared as this farmer is causing a problem each time the footpath is used (I use it several times a week). Many thanks.

Attached is an image showing the stretch of the block. The north-end style also has no steps; although it is possible to walk round it. The south end has an electric fence (take care -- this part is not signposted)!

Blockage starts at (latitude/longitude): 50.993721, -0.912398

Blockage ends at: 50.991641, -0.910665

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  • Please can I also point out that simply letting the crops be picked will not resolve the problem -- the farmer continues to block/obstruct the footpath outside these times, and when new crops are planted, the problem returns.

    Posted anonymously at 18:47, Fri 7 July 2023

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