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Sticky trees and parking issues

Reported via mobile in the Car parking category anonymously at 10:09, Sun 2 July 2023

Sent to Hull City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4739922.

Myself and several neighbours are suffering due to the sticky tree sap that comes from the trees outside our houses. It drops all over the cars and is ruining the paintwork. This has been an issue for a long time and the trees need to be taken down and replaced with non-sap trees. There is nowhere to park to get away from the amount of sap which lands on the cars.

Also parking in a nuisance due to inadequate parking. Cars are getting damaged by passing cars. A large parking bay was placed near by, which involved removal of trees. Unfortunately this is always full of parked cars.

The leaves also block the guttering which is increasing black mould in the front bedroom.

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  • So you want the council to cut trees down so you can park your car without getting it dirty. Would be cheaper if you bought a cover for your car. If everybody asked for this we would have no trees. I would also suggest getting some gutter guards for your guttering which will help keep the leaves etc out. Leaving a window open also helps with mould problems. I can't see how a plastic gutter outside contributes to mould.

    Posted anonymously at 11:58, Mon 3 July 2023

  • I was mainly hoping they would put another large parking bay down the street, like they have across the road. This involved cutting trees down, but new trees were planted elsewhere. Unfortunately cars are getting damaged down the road because of narrowing of the road, and lorries.

    My windows are always open, but mould is starting to appear more on the ceiling in the front bedroom (more than usual). Guttering gets blocked with all the leaves, causing damp.

    Yes I could get covers for both cars, but the covers will get very sticky also, so no win really.

    Posted anonymously at 16:31, Mon 3 July 2023

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