Status unknown
Dumped bicycle
Reported via mobile anonymously at 06:47, Sun 2 July 2023
Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4739625.
There is a dumped bike that had a sign attached by BCC stating if not claimed by the 31st May it would be removed......its now 2nd July and its still there at the entrance to Combe Brook Valley( Holly Close)
It's now the 13th and the bike is still here.
Posted anonymously at 16:21, Thu 13 July 2023
It's now the 1/8/23 and its still there, come on BCC, you put the notice on and now it's time to remove.
Posted anonymously at 06:00, Tue 1 August 2023
This bike is still here and is now being over grown by the weeds that cannot be cut back. It is also drawing a lot of attention from the local teenagers.
Posted anonymously at 14:19, Mon 18 September 2023
Surprise Surprise the bike is still there, and the street maintenance guy with the strimmer has done his best to strim the weeds back that are growing all over it now. Perhaps this is the ploy of BCC to let it be covered by weeds and disappear from eye.
Posted anonymously at 12:21, Fri 27 October 2023
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