Status unknown
Reported in the Road or pavement obstruction category anonymously at 14:23, Wed 7 May 2014 ; (there is no pin shown as the user did not use the map)
Sent to Redbridge 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 472474.
Cyclist are cycling on the pavement in cambridge road which is mainly a retirement area where most elderly people are unsteady on their feet and use tri wheelers walkers and walking sticks and crutches..there is also two nursery and infant schools on this road.the pavement is mainly narrow with three bus stops and two nursing care homes where the elderly are taken out in wheel chairs.we need signs to say it is against the law to cycle on the pavement and that there is a fine of £50.00 which came into force september 2013 please can you help us.
Old people should walk in the road
Posted anonymously at 18:04, Wed 7 May 2014
SAW a man walking his dog while riding his bicycle also i walk with a tri wheeler and have nearly been knocked over twice this week near bus stop at top of Cambridge road as you come out onto Cambridge park also in Cambridge Park all along are cycle lanes both sides in the road. Plus at night from my window in my flat i see cyclist coming out of Lonsdale Road onto Cambridge Park with no lights on.Hopefully you can help us get signs up to say Cycling on Pavement is against the law and the fine is £50. for the safety of us all as when you speak to them they say they did not know it was against the law and sadly we do not have enough police these notices would help the police as well.
Posted anonymously at 14:28, Wed 14 May 2014
Still open, via questionnaire, 14:20, Wed 18 June 2014
So far the probles has not been fixed.need sign to say cycling on the pavement is against the law and that there is a fine of £50 for doing so.on the 25th May I counted 28 cyclist on the pavement fom 11.50am to 3.15pm.I did report this to the safer police officer at Snaresbrook./London transport safety dept tell me the council have a duty of safety to pedestrian on the pavement..I have stopped cyclist and told them it was against the law to cycle on the pavement and of the fine some are grateful for the information and say they were not beware of the law and fine So please can you help the residents of Cambridge Park and the Public made aware of the Law and safety of pedersrtian.thank you/
Posted anonymously at 14:20, Wed 18 June 2014
Can you please let me know if you are managing to achieve my request cycling on the pavement along Cambridge Road is getting worse especially at weekends.many thanks
Posted anonymously at 14:25, Wed 2 July 2014
Please have you any news for me so many cyclist do not know its is against the law and that the fine is £50 when I tell some cyclist I am getting thanked and one cyclist has said why are their no signs to state these facts.i await to hear from you,
Posted anonymously at 14:42, Wed 9 July 2014
The problem continues along Cambridge park road People are getting depressed with the continue of this problem.Andrew Gilligan Cycling Commissioner for London states they are working on eliminating offences of cyclist one of which is cycling on the pavements.There appears to be some confusion of this in Redbridge. We badly need signs to say cycling on the pavement is against the law and the penalty for this offence is £50 surely this applies to Cambridge Park Road with the elderly residents Nursing Homes Schools Church Elderly Nuns Covnvent.
Posted anonymously at 14:15, Wed 23 July 2014
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