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Conflict between pedestrians and vehicles

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights category anonymously at 10:12, Sat 17 June 2023

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4683334.

I use a white cane. Several times while crossing the Torquay bound lane from the hospital side to the Heal Road side, I have been confronted with a vehicle which had done a U turn around the island to gain access to the petrol station. They have been sat in the filter lane for Heal road. When their filter goes green so dose the pedestrian crossing advise me it is safe to cross but if a driver FROM Torquay direction wants to access the petrol station they come into direct conflict with pedestrians like me who have been advised it is safe to cross the road. I understand that, to access the petrol station from the correct directions - Newton Abbot, Heal, Newton Road or the hospital - a driver FROM Torquay direction would need to cross the lights and then find somewhere to turn around to come back to the petrol station. However, I feel for me and others like me, it could one day, cause a serious problem. Thank you for your kind attention to this situation.

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  • I received an email and telephone call from my local council and they Advised me that they had not received any other reports similar to this incident. They are looking into it.

    Posted anonymously at 21:41, Sat 15 July 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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