Status unknown
Muddy mess of a pavement
Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 22:02, Mon 5 June 2023
Sent to Cardiff Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4635840.
This hasn’t been cleaned, or maintained. It’s horrible to walk on during wet seasons. It needs properly cleaning / resurfacing and perhaps even widening.
This is used for children walking to school, sort it out!
Posted anonymously at 19:45, Sat 15 July 2023
Still nothing has been done. There is no suitable north / south pavement in this location, nor alternative means. Fed up of my shoes and clothing being covered in mud.
Posted anonymously at 18:56, Mon 4 September 2023
Still no improvement. Needs a whole new pathway fitting.
Posted anonymously at 22:35, Sun 31 March 2024
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