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Incorrect speed lumit

Reported via desktop anonymously at 10:54, Mon 5 June 2023

Sent to Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4632288.

As you come up East Street from village 30mph, after Hammonds Roundabout before a sharp S bend it changes to 60mph?, which runs past a residential park home ,a) it is extremely difficult to get out into a road that has a speed limit if 60mph with limited visibility b) vehicles and motorcycles regularly do in excess of 60mph. There have been 4 accidents in the 9 months since we moved to the residential park home site l This speed limit needs to be reduced to 30 mph ( max 40mph), before there is a death. Also, we were advised a public footpath was being put in from site entrance to Hammond's Roundabout to enable access by foot to village, when us this happening please?

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  • I find it incredible that they would rather someone, loises their life than take action!!! The reply I received was to go to numerous other departments, write to my local councilor,get a petition going!!! Absolutely just needs the limit reducing to be in keeping with a residential area. List for words

    Posted anonymously at 11:20, Mon 3 July 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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