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Potholes and damaged speed pillows in Barton Rd

Reported via desktop in the Potholes category anonymously at 09:36, Mon 5 June 2023

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4631812.

Barton Road between Cricketfield Road and St VIncents Road, both directions, numerous potholes.

Northbound: Pothole adjacent to metal access cover frame just north of Valley View Close. This is immediately followed by raised pothole on left edge of speed pillow. The latter is particularly hard to avoid because of the shape of the speed hump.

Further potholes in the left leding edges of the speed humps adjacent to the reservoir between St Michaels Road and Briwere Road. Also difficult to avoid because of shape of speed hump.

Southbound: Further potholes in the leading edge of several speed pillows between Briwere Rd and St Michaels Road. Again, difficult to avoid because of the shape of the speed humps and proximity of the parked cars outside the school etc.

Because most of these are in the leading edge of the speed pillows they are far more likely to cause damage to alloy wheels than ordinary potholes.

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  • Some parts have been repaired, some parts are marked to be done, and others are neither marked or done!

    Posted anonymously at 10:02, Mon 3 July 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Most of the bad bits are done. Better than nothing I suppose!

    Posted anonymously at 15:09, Mon 31 July 2023

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