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Parking issues

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 08:21, Fri 2 June 2023

Sent to Stockport Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4621948.

This has been continually going on as people park there cars who have more than one car using spaces leaving myself who suffers bad with mental health issues anxiety and depend on my car to get me to and from places It’s becoming more and more everyday that some of the neighbours are parking more than 3 cars and also they park in the middle of the road There is 5 parking spaces for each house and am finding it very stressful to go out because of this and it has caused so many arguments I have a blue badge and also my next door neighbour has one too And now there is a new family moved in few doors across they have 3 cars which is going to be a massive problem if this doesn’t get solved I will take more pictures at teatime to show how bad this is I will speak to my MP aswell because I really can’t take anymore One car per house should have the rights to park there not 2,3 or more

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  • It’s not only myself there is 2 others really getting distressed because it’s becoming even worse now and are also. Parking behind a disabled women who live next to me it’s absolutely disgusting

    Posted anonymously at 22:48, Sun 2 July 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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