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Constant flooding from grey water drains

Reported via desktop by Cllr.Richard Townsend at 08:08, Sun 7 May 2023

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4524704.

Repeated “fixes” fail to resolve constant flow adjacent to the drain which causes continual flooding down the hill, pooling and pedestrians being soaked by passing traffic. This also causes further hazards westbound towards the roundabout junction with A1059.

This has been a continual bane of our lives as there’s a 25m + length of the footpath that’s become impossible to use without getting soaked.

The Quick patches FAIL to resolve it and it impacts the entire trench of road With some vehicle swerving to avoid it and diverting into oncoming Eastbound traffic.

These issues have continued in excess of 6 months.

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    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Cllr.Richard Townsend at 18:23, Sun 4 June 2023

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