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Flooding of two properties

Reported via Android anonymously at 18:04, Sat 6 May 2023

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4524109.

Cromwell road has been flooding for over ten years every time it rains from the road drains. Last year you cleaned the vertical line of the drains out but couldn't do the run to the Thames Water line due to 'swan neck' drains. Approx three weeks ago you were supposed to break out the swan necks so you could ascertain whether the issue was in the HCC drain or the Thames Water one. Obviously this has not resolved the issue as the houses on Cromwell Road have been flooded yet again. Can you please take some effective action and actually report back on what you have done as HCC inaction is causing a flood risk to private property

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