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Public toilets

Reported via mobile in the Public toilets category anonymously at 23:24, Thu 4 May 2023

Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4519002.

Absolutely disgusting 🤮 these need to be replaced and the whole building needs a refit. The council could be making a fortune renting a new building to someone like the perch and have a better facility for park users. Shoreham is a poor cousin compared to Worthing snd Hove. Come on this should be the pride of Shoreham yet it seriously needs a bit of tlc.

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  • Still absolutely vile!!! Lake District charge 50p to use public toilets but at least they are well maintained. These toilets are awful, no child or adult should have to use them…. Seen better in India. Sort this out and stop being lazy! I am fed up with councillors being so ignorant to work. There is no productivity going on. Simply cashing their monthly cheques and expenses and doing sod all!!!! Fed up with this utter laziness. Especially Tim nice but dim Loughton, the guy who claims for bath water on the public. This needs sorting out ….

    Posted anonymously at 07:23, Fri 2 June 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

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